
Perfect Timing, or is it?

If you enjoyed the quick animated video by Daniel Pink on Motivation (in the previous post), then you will be sure to enjoy this animated video on the different perspectives of how we view time and how it influences who we are.
Take a listen especially to the part at the end with how we currently educate students.  What do you think?


Motivation Station

Are you into motivating or being motivated? Check out this video  by Daniel Pink, author of Drive :  Daniel is one of the guest speakers at this years Willowcreek Global Leadership Summit.  For more information on registering, please go here.

As I watched this, I had 5 thoughts:
  1. Am I, are you, in a position to motivate?  I believe the answer is yes for everyone. We are either a leader, manager, parent, teacher, supervisor, coworker, friend, spouse, student, etc or all of them.
  2. In any of those positions or relationships that you are in - What motivates you?  What motivates those you lead?
  3. Do you assume that what motivates you also motivates other?  Does it?  
  4. If you are leading motivation and innovation in a non-profit, church or para-church organization, how do you motivate?  Especially without using money?
  5. Daniel mentioned 3 factors that lead to better performance beyond financial.  Do you agree/disagree?  How are you or your organization leading innovation in these areas?
    • Autonomy - the desire to be self directed
    • Mastery - the urge to get better at "stuff"
    • Purpose - the need to be a part of something that transcends profit.  Motive for the greater good.
