
Voting with your feet (repost from my other blog)

For those of us in Office Country or Cubicle Land that have an influence on customers, guests, visitors, etc. I have one question for you:
What is your organizations, business or non-profits "dirty dining room"?

In the world of Restaurants, most people vote with their feet when they visit an establishment that lacks care for cleanliness. Sure, some patrons make a comment to an employee or the manager, but most just don't return. Dining room and bathroom cleanliness is most likely on the restaurants core values list, but lower than the value of something like quality food.

In search of quality food, most diners will complain over a bad meal because they perceive they are paying for quality food and not necessarily cleanliness.

Some thoughts:

  • So your customers/guests pay for a main service or product. Your customers may be thrilled with that or at least willing to tell you when they are not. What is your company's "dirty dining room" that they may not be informing you about?
  • Are your employees holding this "dirty dining room" to their standards, yours, OR the customers?
  • Does your organization have a good avenue for customers/guests to voice their opinions about the "quality food" and "dining room cleanliness" or other values your company considers when marketing their product/service and building repeat business?


Our Little Premature Boy (Revisited)


www.marchforbabies.org/lundbergfamily (please go to this link and donate, even if it is only $20)

This weekend as I was perusing my desk, I found this old floppy disk with the title, "Boy Lundberg" on it. It was a disk from Hamot NICU where we were blessed with such great care when we were surprised on December 1st, 2003 with an early visitor. Eli was born 2 1/2 months premature and has spent the rest of his years catching up and exceeding far beyond our imagination. I admit, we had no idea what we were in store for. Apart from an eye muscle detaching and reattaching surgery, we moved to normalcy quickly. I am almost grateful for the situation. I believe strongly that it has made Eli the boy he is today. He is now 5 years old, 46 inches, 42 pounds of the most nurturing and loving person I know. His loving spirit is such an example to me as his father.

Words can not describe the joys of parenting. Kelly and I both know our lives are richer because of our little "Heroes".


"Your life is an Occasion, rise to it"

Yesterday was a great day off. Movie Day - watched 5 movies - didn't leave the house at all. It was amazing.
One of the movies was Mr Magorium's Wonder Emporium. It was a great kids movie, enjoyable for me too (just one 2 min cheesy part near the end)

It was a great movie about life and soaking in every minute of it. My favorite line was when Mr Magorium says, "your life is an occasion, rise to it..." So often we tend to look at the busyness in our schedule or some may focus on what is not going well in their life. When you rise to the occasion, you move beyond the low points - you focus on all the little things that bring you joy and you stress out an immeasurable amount less.

You dance with your kids (and your wife) anytime - anywhere, you play in the dirt, you shovel cookie batter in your mouth, you don't leave your pajamas for an entire day, etc. I love my life and those around me; I just hope I soak it in enough.
