
The Coffee We Drink and Those Who Provide It

Every cup of coffee purchased on Sunday mornings here at Grace Church is much more than a cup of coffee. Check out one of these videos to see just what buying a cup of coffee can do.

Full Version

Visit Bukonya! (6 minutes - Full Version) from Land of a Thousand Hills Coffee on Vimeo.

Short Version

Visit Bukonya! (3m 30sec) from Land of a Thousand Hills Coffee on Vimeo.

Cant wait to go there one day.....


The Educated Fool said...

Hi, Aaron, this is Dave Snyder (younger) in Chicago. We enjoyed taking a look at this organization. The international coffee situation is very bad, indeed, and it's high time the Church begin to do something about it. Thanks for this post, and greetings from my home to yours.

aaron said...

DAVE!!! It has been awhile.. How are you? how did you come across my blog? That's awesome! It is a great organization that is doing amazing things in Africa with the over 500,000 coffee farmers and the families they left behind, those in Thailand who have fallen victims of the sex trade industry and now working to set up shop in Haiti. If you want more information just let me know. At first I got involved with this organization because I wanted to have good coffee in our cafe that served a purpose when people bought it. As time as passed I have become so passionate about this ministry and hope to one day go visit the families and villages that our being loved by the organization.

The Educated Fool said...

I came across your blog through Grace's website and have been following it for a while. First time commenting, though. I think this ministry is really something. Coffee farmers around the world are being taken advantage of. We are still looking for a church home. We thought we had found one, but it became clear they were only interested in using us. Our choices in the Rogers Park neighborhood are limited -- either ridiculously fundamentalist or so liberal that we wonder what the point is. We'll find something. Take care, and thanks for replying.
